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Deadline : 08 Sep 2017

Call for Speakers and Experts for Creative Ukraine Forum (up to 10 senior experts)

The main organiser of the forum is Ukrainian Ministry of Culture in cooperation with the EU-EaP Culture and Creativity Programme* and the collaboration takes place in the framework of series of National Cultural Forums organised by the Programme in each EaP country. The National Cultural Forum activities in Ukraine will be shared between two events – Ukrainian Design Forum in September will focus on design thinking specifically, the Creative Ukraine Forum organised mainly by the Ministry of Culture will be looking at wider range of issues around creative industries development.

The forum is aimed to promote and enforce the perception of “culture” and “creativity” as drivers for growth and sustainable development as well as interconnection of economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions of societal well-being with inclusive public policy-making support.

With the current call, the organisers are looking for up to 10 speakers and experts (which includes trainers, moderators and facilitators) with experience in developing creative industries and strengthening cultural sectors:

  • Each speaker and expert will attend the Creative Ukraine Forum and depending on the precise role prepare and deliver a speech, prepare and implement a training module, prepare guidelines for moderating or facilitating a forum module, interact with local stakeholders, and contribute to communications activities.
  • These assignments will be delivered in Kyiv, Ukraine on October 19-20th, 2017.
  • The materials prepared by the experts will be available for public after the Forum via the web-sites of the EU-EaP Culture and Creativity Programme, the Ministry of Culture and the Forum.

The British Council will negotiate fees with the selected Expert after selection. This Programme is VAT exempt.

* The Programme is administered by a consortium led by the British Council with its partners: The Soros Foundation-Moldova, The National Centre for Culture of Poland, and the Goethe-Institut. A Technical Advisory Team based in Kyiv runs the day-to-day management of the Programme with a team of six Country Coordinators.

Deadline: 8 September 2017

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