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Deadline : 11 Avr 2016

5th edition of the Sound Development City artist expedition, Madrid, Casablanca

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Artist Expedition 2016: Call for Projects

We are happy to announce the 5th edition of the Sound Development City artist expedition. The call for projects is now open!

This year’s expedition takes place in Madrid and Casablanca from September 6 – 25, 2016.

Sound Development City is looking for independent and dedicated project proposals that are to be tested and put into practice during the three-week journey. The artist expedition is a laboratory for the exploration of creative strategies, bold visions and forms of expressions.

Apply Now!

Sound Development City is open for artists

working in all disciplines and in any media – alone or in teams of two.
from around the world and of all ages.
Sound Development City seeks for projects, concepts and work theses which are research-based, challenging und willing to take a risk.
benefit from being on the road.
probe urban environment as sites of both playfulness and social involvement.
We welcome artists to apply who distinguish themselves through a process-oriented approach and an explorative mindset.

More information:
Call for Projects
General Information / Terms & Conditions
Application Form
PDF Flyer (en pièce jointe u know)

About Sound Development City
Sound Development City is a project by Sound Development, a non-commercial and independent cultural initiative based in Zurich, Switzerland. Sound Development City aims to inspire through practical experiences and enables a close exchange between artists of various backgrounds. The expedition format was developed in collaboration with Heller Enterprises, an agency for cultural projects.